Annual Reports

At any given time, the Utah Water Research Laboratory has around 200 projects underway. The UWRL annual report provides a brief snapshot of the wide range of UWRL research and brief updates on various water-related activities ongoing at the UWRL during the previous fiscal year.

Current Report

UWRL Annual Report 2023 Cover

Current Report

2023 Annual Report

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Recent Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report


Research solutions for the Great Salt lake, Home metering and landscape water conservation, Nanotechnology for sustainable agriculture, and PFAS in Northern Utah waters.
2021 Annual Report


Critical Zone Collaorative Hub, Logan River Observatory, Cyanotoxin in Utah surface water, and Improving the hydraulics of urban flooding
2020 Annual Report


Center of Excellence for Water in Egypt, Colorado River research, Great Salt Lake hydrodynamic model and pollution prevention and water reuse at UDOT facilities

Download Past Annual Reports:

2022 | 2021 | 2020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092005 |