Rainfall Runoff Processes

This is an archive of the Rainfall-Runoff Processes Web Module developed in 2003 for the National Weather Service COMET Program. The technology used in the module is obsolete and unable to run in its entirety on modern web servers. This archive contains the essence of the module, but has lost some of the interactive components and exercise grading. I hope it is still useful to you.

David Tarboton, 5/30/2020

This online Rainfall-Runoff Processes Web module was designed to provide a comprehensive and quantitative understanding of infiltration and runoff generation processes. The module includes:

  • A complete workbook on Rainfall Runoff Processes (PDF) serving as the textbook for this module.
  • Streaming video and slide presentations.
  • Visualizations and computer animations to convey key concepts.
  • Powerpoint presentations.
  • Online quizzes serving as exercises where the user needs to respond to multiple choice questions or enter numeric answers to problems.
  • An online final test.

The module should take about 6-15 hours to complete depending on your quantitative background and a priori knowledge in this area.

Target audience:

  • Professionals with a scientific or engineering background with a college degree in science or engineering
  • Students (senior and graduate level) in a hydrologic science or engineering program.

No prior knowledge on Rainfall Runoff Processes is required.

This material was prepared by the Utah State University, Utah Water Research Laboratory under a Subaward with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) under Cooperative Agreement No. NA17WD2383 with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA, DOC or UCAR.

Authors and development team.

comet national Weather Service COMET Outreach Program