Utah and Idaho Rules & Regulations
Rules and regulations for installation and inspection of on-site wastewater systems in Utah and Idaho.
The Utah links lead directly to R317 guidelines and the Idaho link allows for the local health district to be selected.
Utah Rules and Regulations

- Utah Administrative Code R317-4: Onsite Wastewater Systems Rule.
- Utah Administrative Code R-317-401: Administrative Rules for Graywater Systems.
- Utah Administrative Code R317-5. Large Underground Wastewater Disposal (LUWD) Systems
- Utah Administrative Code R317-11. Certification Required to Design, Inspect and Maintain Underground Wastewater Disposal Systems, or Conduct Soil Evaluations or Percolation Tests for Underground Wastewater Disposal Systems
- Utah Administrative Code R317-550. Rules for Liquid Waste Operations
- Utah Administrative Code R317-560. Rules for the Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Vault Privies and Earthen Pit Privies