Blake Tullis


Blake Tullis

Contact Information

Office Hours: By appointment
Office Location: UWRL 217 and ENGR 232
Phone: 435-797-3194

Educational Background

PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Michigan, 1996
MS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Michigan, 1992
BS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, (Spanish), Utah State University, 1990

Teaching Interests

Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics (hydraulic structures and pipeline design)

Research Interests

hydraulic structures (labyrinth and piano key weirs), culvert hydraulics, and fish-culvert interaction


2019 Best Reviewer Award, 2019

ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage

ASCE Hydraulic Structures Medal, 2018

American Society of Civil Engineers

2017 Best Reviewer Award, 2017

ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage

Terry L. Hampton Hydraulic Structures Medal, 2016

Assoc. of State Dam Safety Officials

Outstanding Teacher, 2016

College of Engineering

Outstanding Teacher, 2016


EWRI Fellow, 2015


CEE Outstanding Advisor, 2011

Utah State University

Victor L. Streeter Fellow, 1996

The University of Michigan

Outstanding Civil and Environmental Engineering Student , 1990

Utah State University

NSF Undergraduate Research Award of Supercomputing , 1988


Publications | Books

  • Crookston, B.M, Tullis, B.P, (2017). Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures. *
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2016). Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management. 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures
  • Tullis, B.P, (2012). Hydraulic Loss Coefficients for Culverts. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Crookston, B.M, Van Wyke, D., Tullis, B.P, (2018). Chapter 5: Labyrinth Spillways: International Congress on Large Dams Bulletin 172. Technical Advancements in Spillway Design. Progress and Innovations from 1985 to 2015. . International Congress on Large Dams (ICOLD)
  • Tullis, B.P, Young, N., Crookston, B., (2017). Physical modeling size-scale effects for labyrinth weirs with half-round crests: Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs (PKW 2017), February 22-24, 2017, Qui Nhon, Vietnam. CRC Press
  • Tullis, B.P, (2017). Hydraulics of Weirs: Open Channel Hydraulics, River Hydraulic Structures, an Fluvial Geomorphology. CRC Press *
  • Tullis, B.P, Bradshaw, R.D, (2015). Impact Dissipators: Energy Dissipation in Hydraulic Structures. International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)/CRC Press
  • Paxson, G., Tullis, B.P, Hertel, D., (2013). Comparison of Piano Key Weirs with Labyrinth and Gated Spillways: Hydraulics, Cost, Constructibility, and Operation: Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs II. CRC Press
  • Pfister, M., Schleiss, A., Tullis, B.P, (2013). Effect of Driftwood on Hydraulic Head on Piano Key Weirs: Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs II. CRC Press
  • Tullis, B.P, Johnson, M.C, (2004). Hydraulic Engineering at the Utah Water Research Laboratory: Past, Present, and Future: Water Resources and Environmental History, ASCE. ASCE
  • Tullis, J.P, Tullis, B.P, (2004). Hydraulics of Pipe Systems: Mechanical Engineering Handbook. CRC Press
  • Tullis, B.P, Tullis, J.P, (2003). Valves: Engineering Handbook. CRC Press

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Jorgensen, T., Tullis, B.P, Crookston, B., (2021). Effects of a labyrinth weir with outlet ramps on downstream steep-stepped chute sidewall height requirements. ASCE Journal Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147:12
  • Tullis, B.P, Barfuss, S.L, (2021). Closure: Recommendations for Teaching a Successful Design-Based Course: Hydraulic Structure Design. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), 147:3, doi:
  • Tullis, B.P, Barfuss, S.L, (2020). Recommendations for Teaching a Successful Design-Based Course: Hydraulic Structure Design. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), 146:2, 1-5. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001689
  • Lodomez, M., Tullis, B.P, Dewals, B., Archambreau, P., Pirotton, M., Erpicum, S., (2019). Nappe Oscillations on Free Overfall Structures: Size Scale Effects. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 145:2
  • Tullis, B.P, Crookston, B.M, Young, N., (2019). Scale Effects in Free-Flow Nonlinear Weir Head-Discharge Relationships. ASCE Journal Hydraulic Engineering, 146:2, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001661
  • Albayrak, I., Boes, R., Kriewitz-Byun, C., Peters, A., Tullis, B.P, (2019). Fish guidance structures: new head loss formula, hydraulics and fish guidance efficiencies. Journal of Ecohydraulics
  • Tarboton, D.G, Richards, C., McKee, M., Torres-Rua, A., Neilson, B.T, Tullis, B.P, Rosenberg, D.E, Stevens, D.K, Horsburgh, J.S, McLean, J.E, Johnson, M.C, Dupont, R.R, (2019). The Utah Water Research Laboratory: Empowering Water and Environmental Research in Utah and Around the World. Water Resources Impact, American Water Resources Association, 21:5, 13-15. *
  • Crookston, B.M, Erpicum, S., Tullis, B.P, Laugier, F., (2019). Hydraulics of Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs: 100 Years of Prototype Structures, Advancements, and Future Research Needs. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 145:12, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001646
  • Dabling, M.R, Tullis, B.P, (2018). Labyrinth Weirs with Angled Approach Flow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144:12
  • Lodomez, M., Crookston, B.M, Tullis, B.P, Erpicum, S., (2018). Mitigation Techniques for Nappe Oscillations on Free Overfall Structures. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 145:2, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001558
  • Crookston, B.M, Anderson, R., Tullis, B.P, (2018). Free-flow discharge estimation method for Piano Key weir geometries. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 19:March 2018, 160--167. doi: 10.1016/j.jher.2017.10.003
  • Pederson, O., Fleit, G., Plummer, E., Tullis, B.P, Rüther, N., (2017). Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes modelling of submerged ogee-weirs. Irrigation and Drainage (ASCE), 144:1, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001266
  • Anderson, A.A, Tullis, B.P, Weir-Flow Nappe Oscillation: Causes & Potential Mitigation Techniques. J. Hydraulic Engineering
  • Dabling, M., Tullis, B.P, (2017). Modifying the Downstream Hydrograph with Staged Labyrinth Weirs. Journal of Applied Hydraulic Research
  • Khodier, M., Tullis, B.P, (2017). Exp. and Computational Comparison of Baffled Culvert Hydrodynamics. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research
  • Erpicum, S., Tullis, B.P, Lodomez, M., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B.J, Pirotton, M., (2016). Scale effects in physical piano key weir models. Journal of Hydraulic Research, doi: 10.1080/00221686.2016.1211562
  • Tullis, B.P, (2016). Comparing Raindrop Size and Velocity Measurement Accuracy Using Shadowgraphy, Disdrometery, and Pie Pan Measurement Techniques. ASTM Journal of Measurement and Evaluation
  • Pfister, M., Tullis, B.P, Schleiss, A., (2015). Closure to “Debris-Blocking Sensitivity of Piano Key Weirs under Reservoir-Type Approach Flow” by Michael Pfister, Damiano Capobianco, Blake Tullis, and Anton J. Schleiss. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 141:10
  • Dabling, M.R, Tullis, B.P, Crookston, B.M, (2015). Closure to Staged Labyrinth Weir Hydraulics by M.R. Dabling, B.P. Tullis, and B.M. Crookston. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 141:10, 07015018. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000900
  • Wright, N., Tullis, B.P, (2014). Prototype and Laboratory Low-Level Outlet Air Demand Comparison for Small-to-Medium Sized Embankment Dams. ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 140:6, 04014014 1-7.
  • Crookston, B.M, Tullis, B.P, (2014). Closure of "Hydraulic Design and Analysis of Labyrinth Weirs. I: Discharge Relationships". Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 140:8, 07014022. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000752
  • Khodier, M., Tullis, B.P, (2014). Fish Passage Behavior for Severe Hydraulic Conditions in Baffled Culverts. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
  • Pfister, M., Capobianco, D., Tullis, B.P, Schleiss, A., (2013). Debris Blocking Sensitivity of Piano Key Weirs. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139:11
  • Dabling, M.R, Tullis, B.P, (2013). Staged Labyrinth Weir Hydraulics. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), 139:11
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2013). Hydraulic Design and Analysis of Labyrinth Weirs. Part 1: Discharge Relationships. J. of Hydraulic Engineering
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2013). Hydraulic Design and Analysis of Labyrinth Weirs. Part 2: Nappe Aeration, Instability, and Vibration. J. of Irrigation and Drainage
  • Olsen, A.H, Tullis, B.P, (2013). Laboratory Study of Fish Passage and Discharge Capacity Slip-Lined, Baffled Culverts. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
  • Anderson, R., Tullis, B.P, (2013). Piano Key Weir Hydraulics and Labyrinth Weir Comparisons. J. Irrigation and Drainage
  • Anderson, R., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Piano Key Weir: Reservoir vs. Channel Applications. J. Hydraulic Research, 138:8, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000464
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Labyrinth Weirs: Nappe Interference and Local Submergence. J. of Irrigation and Drainage, 138:8
  • Mortensen, J., Barfuss, S.L, Tullis, B.P, (2012). The effects of Hydraulic Jump Location on Air Entrainment in Closed Conduits. Journal of Hydraulic Research, Volume 50:No. 3 (2012), pp. 298-303.
  • Dabling, M., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Piano Key Weir Submergence in Channel Applications. J. Hydraulic Research, 138:7, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000563
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Arced Labyrinth Weirs. J. Hydraulic Engineering, 138:6, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000553
  • Anderson, R., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Comparison of Piano Key and Rectangular Labyrinth Weir Hydraulic. J. Hydraulic Engineering, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000509
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Discharge Efficiency of Reservoir-Application-Specific Labyrinth Weirs. J. of Irrigation and Drainage, 138:6, 564-568. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000563
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Scour Prevention in Bottomless Arch Culverts. International J. of Sediment Research, 27:2
  • Tullis, B.P, Lachar, J., (2011). Determining air Demand for Small- to Medium-Sized Dam Low-Level Outlet Works: J. Irrig. Drain. Eng.. , 137:12
  • Tullis, B.P, (2011). Behavior of Submerged Ogee Crest Discharge Coefficients: J. Irrig. Drain. Eng.. , 137:10
  • Crookston, B.M, Tullis, B.P, (2011). Incipient Motion of Gravels in a Bottomless Arch Culvert. Int. J. Sediment Res., 26:1, 15-26.
  • Tullis, B.P, Anderson, D., (2010). Slip-lined Culvert Inlet End Treatment Hydraulics. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
  • Tullis, B.P, Anderson, D.S, Robinson, S.C, (2008). Entrance Loss Coefficients and Inlet Control Head-Discharge Relationships for Buried-Invert Culverts.: J. Irrig. Drain. Eng.. , 134:6, 831-839.
  • Haderlie, G., Tullis, B.P, (2008). Hydraulics of Multi-Barrel Culvert Under Inlet Control: J. Irrig. Drain. Eng.. , 134:4, 507-514.
  • Tullis, B.P, Neilson, J., (2008). Performance of Submerged Ogee Crest Head-Discharge Relationships: J Hydraul. Eng.. , 134:2, 263-266.
  • Tullis, B.P, Robinson, S.C, (2008). Quantifying Culvert Exit Loss: J. Irrig. Drain. Eng,. , 134:2, 263-266.
  • Tullis, B.P, Young, J.C, Chandler, M.A, (2007). Labyrinth Weir Submergence: J Hydraul. Eng.. , 133:3, 248-254.
  • Tullis, B.P, Wright, S.J, (2007). Wetting Front Instabilities: A three-dimensional Experimental Investigation: J. Transp. Porous Med.. , 70, 335-353.
  • Tullis, B.P, Barfuss, S.L, Christensen, R.T, (2007). Changes in Hydraulic Roughness Coefficients for Circumferentially Strained M294 Pipe: Transportation Research Record (TRR). Transporation Research Record, 1976, 149-154.
  • Tullis, B.P, Robinson, S.C, (2005). The Hydraulic Characteristics of Buried-Invert, Elliptical Culverts: Transportation Research Record (TRR). Transporation Research Record, 1904, 105-112.
  • Tullis, B.P, Tullis, J.P, (2001). Real-World Projects Reinforce Fundamentals in the Classroom. Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), 127:12, 992-995.
  • Wright, S.J, Tullis, B.P, Long, T.M, (1994). Recalibration of Parshall Flumes at Low discharges. Irrigation and Drainage (ASCE), 120:2, 348-362.

Professional Journal

  • Tullis, J.P, Tullis, B.P, (2005). You Don’t Have to Live with Noisy Valves: Plant Services Magazine.
  • Tullis, B.P, Lindsay, J.T, Wright, S.J, (1992). The imaging of wetting front instabilities in porous media using neutron radioscopy: J. Nondestr. Test. Eval. , 11, 97-106.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Technical Reports

Research Reports

  • Tullis, B.P, Crookston, B., (2018). Lake Ralph Hall and Leon Hurse Dam Spillway Model . Utah Water Research Laboratory, Report No. 4113
  • Tullis, B.P, Crookston, B., (2008). Lake Townsend Dam Spillway Hydraulic Model Study Report. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Report No. 1816
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2006). Preliminary Study of Scour in Bottomless Culverts. Alaskan Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other

Magazine/Trade Publications


  • Tullis, B.P, (2011). Arced and Linear Projecting Labyrinth Weirs in Reservoir Applications: Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Research and Engineering: 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering.
  • Tullis, B.P, (2011). The Design and Analysis of Labyrinth Weirs: 31st Annual USSD Conference at San Diego California.
  • Tullis, B.P, (2008). Scour and Riprap Protection in a Bottomless Arch Culvert: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008.
  • Tullis, B.P, Crookston, B.M, (2019). Linear weir head-discharge relationships: a multi-lab exercise. 2019 IAHR World Congress
  • Tullis, B.P, Young, N., Crookston, B., (2018). Size-Scale Effects of Labyrinth Weir Hydraulics. International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures 2018
  • Lodomez, M., Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, Pirotton, M., (2016). Nappe Vibration Mitigation Techniques for Free-overfall Structures. 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2016). Hydraulic Structures and Water System Management-ISHS2016 in Perspective. 6th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2014). Mitigation investigation of flow-induced vibrations at a rehabilitated spillway: 11th National Conference on Hydraulics in Civil Engineering \& 5th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures: Hydraulic Structures and Society-Engineering Challenges and Extremes.
  • Paxson, G., Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2012). Spillways in 3D: ASDSO Southeast Regional Conference at Louisville Kentucky.
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2010). Hydraulic performance of labyrinth weirs: Proc. 3rd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, Edimburg, R. Janssen, H. Chanson, eds. Hydraulic model report CH80/10, University of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • Crookston, B., Tullis, B.P, (2007). A laboratory study of streambed stability in bottomless culverts: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our Natural Habitat.
  • Tullis, B.P, Crookston, B.M, (2007). Dam Outlet Works, More than Just Equations: 2007 Annual ASDSO Conference, Austin Texas.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


CEE 6540, 5540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2023
CEE 5540, 6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2022
CEE 5540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2021
CEE 3500 - Civil and Environmental Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Fall 2020
CEE 5540, 6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2019
CEE 5550, 6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2019
CEE 5540, 6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2018
CEE 5550, 6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2018
CEE 3500 - Civil and Environmental Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Fall 2017
CEE 5540, 6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2017
CEE 5550, 6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2017
CEE 5540, 6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2016
CEE 5550, 6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2016
CEE 5540, 6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2015
CEE 3500 - Civil and Environmental Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2015
CEE 5550,6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2015
CEE 3500 - Civil and Environmental Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2014
CEE 5550,6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2014
CEE 5540,6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2013
USU 1010 - University Connections, Fall 2013
CEE 3500 - Civil and Environmental Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2013
CEE 5550,6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2013
CEE 5540,6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2012
CEE 5760 - Hydraulic Structures Field Course, Fall 2012
USU 1010 - University Connections, Fall 2012
CEE 3500 - Civil and Environmental Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2012
CEE 5550,6550 - Hydraulics of Closed Conduits, Spring 2012
CEE 5540,6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2011
USU 1010 - University Connections, Fall 2011
CEE 3500 - FLUID MECHANICS, Spring 2011
CEE 5550 - HYDRAUL CLOSED COND, Spring 2011
CEE 6550 - HYDRAUL CLOSED COND, Spring 2011
CEE 5540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2010
CEE 6540 - Hydraulic Structures Design, Fall 2010
CEE 5760 - Hydraulic Structures Field Course, Fall 2010

Graduate Students Mentored

Tucker Jorgensen, Civil & Environmental Engr 2020
Seth Thompson, Civil & Environmental Engr, May 2017 - May 2019
Nathan Young, Civil & Environmental Engr, March 2016 - May 2017
, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2015 - December 2016
Kedric Curtis, , Civil & Environmental Engr, March 2015 - May 2016
Mitch Dabling, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2013 - May 2014
Aaron Anderson, Civil & Environmental Engr, October 2012 - May 2014
Tyler Seamons, Civil & Environmental Engr, October 2012 - May 2014
Mohanad Khodier, Civil & Environmental Engr, January 2011 - May 2014
Nathan Wright, Civil & Environmental Engr, January 2012 - May 2013
Tyler Allen, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2005 2012
Nathan Christensen, Civil & Environmental Engr, August 2010 - August 2012
Brett Wood, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2011 - May 2012
Erin Whyte, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2011 - May 2012
Amber Olsen, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2010 - December 2011
Jason Larchar, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2008 - December 2011
Sam Tingey, May 2011
Ricky Anderson, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2010 - May 2011
Eric Major, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2010 - May 2011
Andrew Barney, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2009 - May 2011
Brian Crookston, Civil & Environmental Engr, June 2007 - December 2010
Kameron Ballentine, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2007 - May 2008
Brian Crookston, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2006 - May 2008
Tyson Knudsen, Civil & Environmental EngrDecember 2007
Ryan Berg, September 2006 - December 2007
Gary Haderlie, Civil & Environmental EngrAugust 2007
Josh Brown, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2006 - May 2007
Jesse Neilson, Civil & Environmental EngrAugust 2006
Derek Anderson, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2005 - August 2006
Daniel Macfarlane, Civil & Environmental EngrMay 2006
Mark Wilson, Civil & Environmental EngrMay 2006
Darren Hinton, Civil & Environmental Engr, January 2005 - December 2005
Jacob Young, Civil & Environmental EngrAugust 2005

Recent Research & Projects

All UWRL Projects