Pin Shuai


Assistant Professor

Pin Shuai

Contact Information

Office Location: UWRL 248
Phone: 435-797-1531
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Geology, (Hydrogeology), Texas A&M University, 2017
Nutrients and Contaminants Fate and Transport under the Impact of Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions
MS, Water Resources Engineering, Wuhan University, 2013
Estimation of Groundwater Recharge in the Northern China Plain: A Field and Laboratory Study
BS, Water Resources Engineering, Wuhan University, 2011


Dr. Shuai is a groundwater hydrologist with experience in groundwater and surface water interactions, nutrient and contaminant transport, hydrological modeling, and ecohydrology. His recent research has focused on modeling the hydrological and biogeochemical processes from bedrock to canopy top in watersheds under human activities and disturbances. He received his BS and MS in water resources engineering from Wuhan University (China) and received his PhD in hydrogeology from Texas A&M University. Following his PhD he worked as a post-doctoral associate and then as a staff scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory from 2017 to 2022.

Teaching Interests

Groundwater Engineering

Research Interests

Groundwater-surface water interactions, nutrients and contaminant transport, watershed biogeochemistry, and integrated hydrologic modeling

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


CEE 5430, 6430 - Groundwater Engineering, Fall 2024
CEE 5190, 6190 - GIS in Civil Engineers, Spring 2024
CEE 6430, 5430 - Groundwater Engineering, Fall 2023
CEE 5430, 6430 - Groundwater Engineering, Spring 2023

Graduate Students Mentored

Ehsan Ebrahimi, Civil & Environmental Engr, August 2023
Pamela Claure, Civil & Environmental Engr, August 2023
Jihad Othman, Civil & Environmental Engr, August 2022