Pin Shuai
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Office Location: UWRL 248Phone: 435-797-1531
Additional Information:
Educational Background
Dr. Shuai is a groundwater hydrologist with experience in groundwater and surface water interactions, nutrient and contaminant transport, hydrological modeling, and ecohydrology. His recent research has focused on modeling the hydrological and biogeochemical processes from bedrock to canopy top in watersheds under human activities and disturbances. He received his BS and MS in water resources engineering from Wuhan University (China) and received his PhD in hydrogeology from Texas A&M University. Following his PhD he worked as a post-doctoral associate and then as a staff scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory from 2017 to 2022.
Teaching Interests
Groundwater Engineering
Research Interests
Groundwater-surface water interactions, nutrients and contaminant transport, watershed biogeochemistry, and integrated hydrologic modeling
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Shuai, P., Chen, X., Mital, U., Coon, E.T, Dwivedi, D., (2022). The effects of spatial and temporal resolution of gridded meteorological forcing on watershed hydrological responses. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26:8, 2245--2276.
- Jiang, P., Shuai, P., Sun, A., Mudunuru, M.K, Chen, X., (2023). Knowledge-Informed Deep Learning for Hydrological Model Calibration : An Application to Coal Creek Watershed in Colorado. Hydrology and Earth System SciencesAugust, doi: 10.5194/hess-27-2621-2023
- Coon, E.T, Shuai, P., (2022). Watershed Workflow: A toolset for parameterizing data-intensive, integrated hydrologic models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 157:July 2021, 105502.
- Cromwell, E., Shuai, P., Jiang, P., Coon, E.T, Painter, S.L, Moulton, J.D, Lin, Y., Chen, X., (2021). Estimating Watershed Subsurface Permeability From Stream Discharge Data Using Deep Neural Networks. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9:February, 1--13.
- Fang, Y., Song, X., Ren, H., Perkins, W.A, Shuai, P., Richmond, M.C, Hou, Z., Bao, J., Chen, X., Scheibe, T.D, (2020). High-Performance Simulation of Dynamic Hydrologic Exchange and Implications for Surrogate Flow and Reactive Transport Modeling in a Large River Corridor. Frontiers in Water, 2:November, 1--13.
- Song, X., Chen, X., Zachara, J.M, Gomez‐Velez, J.D, Shuai, P., Ren, H., Hammond, G.E, (2020). River Dynamics Control Transit Time Distributions and Biogeochemical Reactions in a Dam‐Regulated River Corridor. Water Resources Research, 56:9
- Zachara, J.M, Chen, X., Song, X., Shuai, P., Murray, C., Resch, C.T, (2020). Kilometer‐Scale Hydrologic Exchange Flows in a Gravel Bed River Corridor and Their Implications to Solute Migration. Water Resources Research, 56:2, 0--3.
- Shuai, P., Chen, X., Song, X., Hammond, G.E, Zachara, J., Royer, P., Ren, H., Perkins, W.A, Richmond, M.C, Huang, M., (2019). Dam Operations and Subsurface Hydrogeology Control Dynamics of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in a Regulated River Reach. Water Resources Research, 55:4, 2593--2612.
- Berube, M., Jewell, K., Myers, K.D, Knappett, P.S, Shuai, P., Hossain, A., Lipsi, M., Hossain, S., Hossain, A., Aitkenhead-Peterson, J., Ahmed, K.M, Datta, S., (2018). The fate of arsenic in groundwater discharged to the Meghna River, Bangladesh. Environmental Chemistry, 15:2, 29.
- Shuai, P., Cardenas, M.B, Knappett, P.S, Bennett, P.C, Neilson, B.T, (2017). Denitrification in the banks of fluctuating rivers: The effects of river stage amplitude, sediment hydraulic conductivity and dispersivity, and ambient groundwater flow. Water Resources Research, 53:9, 7951--7967.
- Shuai, P., Knappett, P.S, Hossain, S., Hosain, A., Rhodes, K., Ahmed, K.M, Cardenas, M.B, (2017). The Impact of the Degree of Aquifer Confinement and Anisotropy on Tidal Pulse Propagation. Groundwater, 55:4, 519--531.
- Knappett, P., Myers, K., Shuai, P., Rhodes, K., Jewell, K., Peterson, J., Dimova, N., Datta, S., Berube, M., Hossain, A., Lipsi, M., Hossain, S., Hosain, A., Ahmed, K., Cardenas, M., (2016). Tracking the fate of arsenic in groundwater discharged to the Meghna River. Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2016), June 19-23, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, 43. *
- Knappett, P., Mailloux, B., Choudhury, I., Khan, M., Michael, H., Barua, S., Mondal, D., Steckler, M., Akhter, S., Ahmed, K., Bostick, B., Harvey, C., Shamsudduha, M., Shuai, P., Mihajlov, I., Mozumder, R., van Geen, A., (2016). Vulnerability of low-arsenic aquifers to municipal pumping in Bangladesh. Journal of Hydrology, 539, 674--686.
- Briody, A.C, Cardenas, M.B, Shuai, P., Knappett, P.S, Bennett, P.C, (2016). Groundwater flow, nutrient, and stable isotope dynamics in the parafluvial-hyporheic zone of the regulated Lower Colorado River (Texas, USA) over the course of a small flood. Hydrogeology Journal, 24:4, 923--935.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.