Ryan Dupont
Cazier Professor
Contact Information
Office Location: UWRL 319Phone: 435-797-3227
Email: ryan.dupont@usu.edu
Additional Information:
Teaching Interests
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Wastewater Engineering, Accident and Risk Management, Pollution Prevention and Industrial Ecology, Green Infrastructure
Research Interests
Bioremediation, Wastewater Engineering, Stormwater Treatment, Emerging Contaminants, Green Infrastructure, Water Reuse
Cazier Endowed Professor Lifetime Achievement Award, 2021
Utah State University
Life Member, 2020
American Society of Civil Engineers
Richard I. Stessel Waste Management Award, 2015
Air and Waste Management Association
Undergraduate Research Mentor, 2009
College of Engineering
Scientific Honorary Society, 2003
Sigma Xi
ASCE Utah Section Outstanding Professor of the Year, 1998
Summer Research Faculty Associate, 1998
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Old Main Society, 1993
Utah State University
College of Engineering and CEE Departmental Researcher of the Year, 1992
College of Engineering, CEE Department
Creative Programming Award for Short Course "Remediation of Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils,", 1990
National University Continuing Education Association, Conferences and Institutes Division
Outstanding Young Engineering Educator, 1988
Ph.D. Honors, 1982
University of Kansas
Four Year Honors Fellowship, 1981
University of Kansas Graduate School
J. Lloyd Baron Award for Outstanding Graduate Student in Environmental Engineering, 1980
Honors in Engineering, 1977
Magna Cum Laude
University Honorary, 1977
Phi Kappa Phi
All Engineering Honorary, 1975
Tau Beta Pi
Civil Engineering Honorary, 1975
Chi Epsilon
Publications | Abstracts
- Zhou, J., Dupont, R.R, Sorensen, D.L, Norton, J.M, McLean, J.E, (2007). Microbial Composition Analysis in TCE Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation. 2007 ASM General Meeting *
- Ervin, J., Zhou, J., Dupont, R.R, (2007). qPCR for Determining Microbial Populations at a TCE Contaminated Site. 2007 ASM General Meeting *
- McLean, J.E, Sorensen, D.L, Liang, Y., Norton, J.M, Zhou, J., Dupont, R.R, (2007). Rhodoferrax-like bacteria in biostimulated solids from TCE contaminated aquifers. 2007 ASM General Meeting *
- Yupanqui-Zaa, C., Sorensen, D.L, Norton, J.M, Roginske, M.F, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (2007). Spatial Distribution of Dehalorespiring Bacteria, Geobacter sp. and Rhodoferrax ferrireducens-like Bacteria in a TCE Contaminated Aquifer. 2007 ASM General Meeting *
- McLean, J.E, Mickelson, H., Xu, Y., Sorensen, D.L, Norton, J.M, Dupont, R.R, (2006). Microbial Reduction of Structural Iron in Aquifer Solids: Role of Iron Reducing Microbial Community, Production of Electron Shuttles and Iron Mineralogy. 2006 ASM General Meeting *
- Yupanqui-Zaa, C., Mickelson, H., Xu, Y., Sorensen, D.L, Norton, J.M, Roginski, M.F, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (2006). TCE Contaminated Aquifer Core Characterization and Possible Factors Restricting Dehalorespiration in Biostimulation Microcosms. 2006 ASM General Meeting *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Books
- Theodore, L., Dupont, R.R, (2023). Chemical Process Industries: Environmental and Health Risk Calculations. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group *
- Theodore, L., Dupont, R.R, (2022). Introduction to Desalination, Principles and Calculations. John Wiley & Sons *
- Flynn, A., Dupont, R.R, Theodore, ., Parente, E., Theodore, L., (2020). Virus Contacts: Agencies and Organizations. A Resource Guide for the Practitioner and Traveler. Amazon Press *
- Theodore, L., Dupont, R.R, (2019). Water Resource Management Issues. Basic Principles and Applications. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group
- Hyman, M., Dupont, R.R, (2019). Groundwater and soil remediation: process design and cost estimating of proven technologies. Chinese translation provided by China Environment Publishing Group Company Limited with permission from American Society of Civil Engineers Press *
- Hyman, M., Dupont, R.R, (2019). Groundwater and soil remediation: process design and cost estimating of proven technologies. China Environment Publishing Group Company Limited with permission from American Society of Civil Engineers Press, Reston, VA *
- Theodore, L., Dupont, R.R, Ganesan, K., (2017). Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering. Scrivener Publishing
- Dupont, R.R, Ganesan, K., Theodore, L., (2016). Pollution Prevention, Industrial Ecology, Green Science and Engineering, and Sustainability. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group
- Theodore, L., Dupont, R.R, (2012). Environmental Health Risk And Hazard Risk Assessment: Principles and Calculations. Taylor and Francis Group
- Hyman, M., Dupont, R.R, (2001). Groundwater and soil remediation: process design and cost estimating of proven technologies. American Society of Civil Engineers Press
- Dupont, R.R, Theodore, L., Ganesan, K., (2000). Pollution prevention: the waste management option for the 21st Century. CRC Press
- Dupont, R.R, Bruell, C.J, Downey, D.C, Huling, S.G, Marley, M.C, Norris, R.D, Pivetz, B., (1998). Innovative site remediation technology, design and application: Bioremediation. American Academy of Environmental Engineers
- Dupont, R.R, Baxter, T.E, Theodore, L., (1998). Environmental management: problems and solutions. Lewis Publishers
- Ganesan, K., Theodore, L., Dupont, R.R, (1996). Air toxics management. Problems and solutions. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
- Theodore, L., Dupont, R.R, Reynolds, J., (1994). Pollution prevention. Problems and solutions. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers
- Dupont, R.R, Theodore, L., Reynolds, J., (1993). Sécurité industrielle de la prévention de accidents à l’organisation des secours. Problèmes résolus ètudes de cas. Translation of “Accident and Emergency Management, Problems and Solutions” by Olaf de Hemmer Gudme, Polutechnica
- Dupont, R.R, Theodore, L., Reynolds, J., (1991). Accident and emergency management. Problems and solutions. VCH Publishers, Inc.
- Reynolds, J., Dupont, R.R, Theodore, L., (1990). Workbook on hazardous waste incineration, thermochemical calculations program and guided instruction problem workbook. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
- Dupont, R.R, (2013). Chapter 5. Case Studies: EMERGENCY PLANNING, RESPONSE, AND RECOVERY, WEF Special Publication. Water Environment Federation
- Davis, M., Dupont, R.R, (2013). Chapter 5. Case Studies, 2.5 Transportation Accidents: EMERGENCY PLANNING, RESPONSE, AND RECOVERY, WEF Special Publication. Water Environment Federation
- Dupont, R.R, (2013). Chapter 5. Case Studies, 3.3.2 Natural Disasters, Tornado (Joplin, Missouri): EMERGENCY PLANNING, RESPONSE, AND RECOVERY, WEF Special Publication. Water Environment Federation
- Dupont, R.R, (2012). Natural Attenuation: Bioremediation and Sustainability. Wiley-Blackwell
- Dupont, R.R, (2012). Natural Attenuation: Bioremediation and Sustainability: Research and Applications. Scrivener Publishing LLC
- Dupont, R.R, Lakshmiprasad, T., (1999). Operating mode impacts on bioventing system performance: In Situ Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Other Organic Compounds. Battelle Press
- Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, Matthews, J.E, Russell, H.H, (1996). In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated Unsaturated Subsurface Soils: EPA Environmental Engineering Sourcebook. Ann Arbor Press
- Sims, J.L, Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, Matthews, J.E, Russell, H.H, (1993). In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated Vadose Zone Soil. Engineering Issue Paper.: EPA/540/S-93/501. Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, (1992). Chapter 6, Vapor extraction and bioventing, EPA/625/R-92/014: Problems and solutions. RCRA Corrective Action Stabilization Technologies, Proceedings, U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development
- Dupont, R.R, Hinchee, R.E, Miller, R.N, (1991). Enhanced biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons: an air-based in situ process: Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technology Series. Volume 3: Biological Processes. Technomic Publishing Co.
- Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, Hinchee, R.E, (1991). Assessment of in situ bioremediation potential and the application of bioventing at a fuel-contaminated site: In Situ Bioreclamation. Butterworth-Heinemann
- Dupont, R.R, (1988). A sampling system for the detection of specific hazardous constituent emissions from soil systems: Hazardous Waste: Detection, Control, Treatment. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. *
- Dupont, R.R, Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Sorensen, D.L, (1988). In Situ Biological Treatment of Hazardous Waste-Contaminated Soils: Biotreatment Systems, Volume II. CRC Press Inc.
- Dupont, R.R, Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Sorensen, D.L, (1988). In Situ Treatment of Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils: Biotreatment Systems. CRC Press Inc.
- Dupont, R.R, (1988). Laboratory and field validation of a land treatment air emission model: Hazardous Waste: Detection, Control, Treatment. Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. *
- Sims, R.C, Sorensen, D.L, Sims, J.L, McLean, J.E, Mahmood, R.H, Dupont, R.R, Jurinak, J.J, (1986). Contaminated Surface Soils In-Place Treatment Techniques. Noyes Publications
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Grenney, W.J, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (1986). Permit Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Demonstrations, EPA-530/SW-86-032. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Fayed, M., Shewitah, M., Dupont, R.R, Fayed, M., Badr, M.M, (2023). Treatability Study of Car Wash Wastewater Using Upgraded Physical Technique with Sustainable Flocculant.. Sustainability, 15, 8581. doi: 10.3390/su15118581
- Weidhaas, J., Olsen, M., McLean, J.E, Allen, L., Ahmandi, L., Duodu, K., Dupont, R.R, (2022). Microbial and chemical risk from reclaimed water use for residential irrigation. Water Reuse, 12:3, 289. doi: 10.2166/wrd.2022.014
- Mestiraihi, M., Becker, K., Dupont, R.R, Stevens, D.K, (2021). Examining the Preparedness of Water Program Graduates in Egypt: Industries Perspective. Middle East Journal Of Applied Science & Technology, 04:04, 60-74. doi: doi: 10.46431/mejast.2021.4406
- Tarboton, D.G, Richards, C., McKee, M., Torres-Rua, A., Neilson, B.T, Tullis, B.P, Rosenberg, D.E, Stevens, D.K, Horsburgh, J.S, McLean, J.E, Johnson, M.C, Dupont, R.R, (2019). The Utah Water Research Laboratory: Empowering Water and Environmental Research in Utah and Around the World. Water Resources Impact, American Water Resources Association, 21:5, 13-15. *
- Smith, S., Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (2019). Arsenic Release and Attenuation Processes reviewed by C.A.J. Appelo1 and Massimo Rolle2 in a Groundwater Aquifer During Anaerobic Remediation of TCE with Biostimulation. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 39:3, 61-70. doi: 10.1111/gwmr.12340
- Ahmadi, L., Dupont, R.R, (2018). Lab Scale Analysis of Anaerobically Digested Municipal Wastewater Treatment Generated Duckweed Biomass for Energy Production. SciFed Journal of Biofuel and Bioenergetics, 1:1, 1-11.
- Mirza, B.S, Sorensen, D.L, McGlinn, D.J, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (2017). Dehalococcoides and general microbial ecology of differentially trichloroethene dechlorinating flow-through columns. Applied Environmental Biotechnology, 101, 4799-4813.
- Mirza, B.S, Sorensen, D.L, McLean, J.E, Dupont, R.R, (2017). New arsenate reductase gene (arrA) PCR primers for diversity assessment and quantification in environmental samples. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83:4, e027725-16. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02725-16
- Rycewicz-Borecki, M., McLean, J.E, Dupont, R.R, Mitsch, W.J, (2017). Nitrogen and phosphorus mass balance, retention and uptake in six plant species grown in stormwater bioretention microcosms. Ecological Engineering, 99, 409-416.
- Meng, X., Jacobson, A., Sorensen, D.L, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (2017). Mineralogy and geochemistry affecting arsenic solubility in sediment profiles from the shallow basin-fill aquifer of Cache Valley Basin, Utah. Applied Geochemistry, 77, 126-141. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.12.011
- Mirza, B.S, Sorensen, D.L, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (2016). Dehalococcoides abundance and alternate electron acceptor effects on large, flow-through trichloroethene dechlorinating columns. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100, 2367-2379. doi: 10.1007/s00253-015-7112-1
- Weidhaas, J., Dietrich, A.M, DeYonker, N.J, Dupont, R.R, Foreman, W.T, Gallagher, D., Gallagher, J.E, Whelton, A.J, Alexander, W.A, (2016). Enabling Science Support for Better Decision-Making when Responding to Chemical Spills.. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45, 1490-1500. doi: 10.2134/jeq2016.03.0090
- Meng, X., Dupont, R.R, Sorensen, D.L, Jacobson, A., McLean, J.E, (2016). Arsenic solubilization and redistribution under anoxic conditions in three aquifer sediments from a basin-fill aquifer in Northern Utah: role of organic carbon and carbonate minerals. Applied Geochemistry, 66:250-263, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.01.004
- Rycewicz-Borecki, M., McLean, J.E, Dupont, R.R, (2016). Bioaccumulation of copper, lead, and zinc in six macrophyte species grown in simulated stormwater bioretention systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 166, 267-275.
- McLean, J.E, Ervin, J., Zhou, J., Sorensen, D.L, Dupont, R.R, (2015). Biostimualtion and bioaugmentation to enhance reductive dechlorination of TCE in a long term flow through column study. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 35, 76-88. doi: 10.1111,gwmr.12113
- Hale, R.L, Armstrong, A., Baker, M.A, Bedingfield, S., Betts, D., Buahin, C., Buchert, M., Crowl, T.A, Dupont, R.R, Ehleringer, J., Endter-Wada, J.L, Flint, C., Grant, J., Hinners, S., Horsburgh, J.S, Jackson-Smith, D., Jones, A.S, Licon, C., Null, S., Odame, A., Pataki, D.E, Rosenberg, D.E, Runburg, M., Stoker, P., Strong, C., (2015). iSAW: Integrating Structure, Actors, and Water to Study Socio-Hydro-Ecological Systems. Earth's Future/AGU , doi: 10.1002/2014EF000295
- Mirza, B.S, Muruganandam, S., Sorensen, D.L, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, Meng, X., (2014). As(V) reduction in relation to iron (III) transformation and molecular characterization of the structural and functional microbial community in sediments of a basin-fill aquifer in Northern Utah. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80:10, 3198-3208.
- Yang, B., Goodwin, A.A, Dupont, R.R, Borecki, M., (2014). Form-based variables for stormwater quality performance: comparing three BMP types in five U.S. States. Urban Planning and Design Research, 2:1, 14-19.
- Doucette, W.J, Klein, H., Chard, J.K, Dupont, R.R, Plaehn, W., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Volatilization of Trichloroethylene from Trees and Soil: Measurement and Scaling Approaches. Environmental Science & Technology, 47:11, 5813-5820. doi: 10.1021/es304115c
- Weidhaas, J., Dupont, R.R, (2013). Aerobic biodegradation of N-nitrosodimethylamine and N-nitrodimethylamine in methane and benzene amended soil columns. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 150:2013, 45-53.
- Weidhaas, J.L, Zigmond, M.J, Dupont, R.R, (2012). Stimulation of Cometabolic Oxidation of N-nitrosodimethylamine and N-nitrodimethylamine with various Primary Substrates. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 16:2, 74-85.
- Yupanqui Zaa, C.L, McLean, J.E, Dupont, R.R, Norton, J.M, Sorensen, D.L, (2010). Dechlorinating and Iron Reducing Bacteria Distribution in a TCE-Contaminated Aquifer. Ground Water Mon. & Rem., 30:1, 44-55.
- Yupanqui-Zaa, C.L, McLean, J.E, Dupont, R.R, Norton, J.M, Sorensen, D.L, (2010). Dechlorinating and iron reducing bacteria distribution in a TCE-contaminated aquifer. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, 30, 46-57.
- Pu, M., Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, (2008). Impact of Vegetable Oil on Distribution of Trichloroethylene in Groundwater During Enhanced Bioremediation. Environmental Forensics, 9:4, 340-349.
- McLean, J.E, Dupont, R.R, Sorensen, D.L, (2006). Iron and Arsenic Release from Aquifer Solids During Enhanced Trichloroethylene Degradation. J. Env. Qual., 35, 1193-1203.
- McLean, J.E, Dupont, R.R, Sorensen, D.L, (2006). Iron and arsenic release from aquifer solids in response to biostimulation. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35:4, 1193-1203. doi: 10.2134/jeq2005.0463
- Dupont, R.R, (2005). Monitored Natural Attenuation Forum: A Panel Discussion. Remediation Journal, 15:2, 83-95.
- Berkey, J.S, Lachmar, T.E, Doucette, W.J, Dupont, R.R, (2003). Tracer studies for evaluation of in situ air sparging and in-well aeration system performance at a gasoline-contaminated site. Journal of Hazardous Materials , B98:2003, 127-144.
- Berkey, J., Lachmar, T., Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, (2003). Tracer Studies for Evaluation of In Situ Air Sparging System Performance at a Gasoline-Contaminated site. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 98:1-3, 127-144.
- Headley, J.V, Moore, B.J, Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, (2002). Abatement of gas-condensate hydrocarbons in a natural wetland. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, 37:4, 425-438.
- Hall, B.L, Lachmar, T.E, Dupont, R.R, (2001). Field monitoring and performance evaluation of a field-scale in-well aeration system at a gasoline contaminated site. Journal of Hazardous Materials , B82:2001, 197-212.
- Hall, B.L, Baldwin, C.K, Lachmar, T.E, Dupont, R.R, (2000). Instrumentation design and installation for monitoring air injection ground water remediation technologies. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, Spring 2000, 46-54.
- McGinnis, D., Dupont, R.R, Everhart, K., St. Laurent, G., (1994). Evaluation and management of field soil pile bioventing systems for the remediation of PCP contaminated surface soils. Environmental Technology (Letters), 15, 729-739.
- Dupont, R.R, (1993). Fundamentals of bioventing applied to fuel contaminated sites. Environmental Progress , 12:1, 45-53.
- Hinchee, R.E, Downey, D.C, Dupont, R.R, Aggarwal, P., Miller, R.E, (1991). Enhancing biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons through soil venting. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 27, 315-325.
- Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, Hoff, R.M, Moore, W.B, (1990). Evaluation of the use of solar irradiation for the decontamination of soil residues. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 40:9, 1257-1265.
- Park, K.S, Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, Matthews, J.E, (1990). Fate of Pah Compounds in 2 Soil Types - Influence of Volatilization, Abiotic Loss and Biological-Activity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 9:2, 187-195.
- Park, K.S, Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, Matthews, J.E, (1990). Fate of Pah Compounds in 2 Soil Types - Influence of Volatilization, Abiotic Loss and Biological-Activity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 9:2, 187-195.
- Park, K.S, Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, Matthews, J.E, (1990). Fate of PAH Compounds in Two Soil Types: Influence of Volatilization, Abiotic Loss, and Biological Activity. Journal of Environmental Toxiciology and Chemistry, 9:2, 187-195.
- Park, K.S, Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, (1990). Transformation of PAHs in Soil Systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 116:2, 632-340.
- Gan, D.R, Dupont, R.R, (1989). Multiphase and multicompound measurements of batch equilibrium distribution coefficients of six volatile organic compounds. Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, 6:4, 363-383.
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Dupont, R.R, (1988). Human Health Effects Assays. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 60:6, 1093-1196.
- Ludvigsen, P., Dupont, R.R, (1988). Quantitative evaluation of the expert system DEMOTOX. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2:4, 398.
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Dupont, R.R, (1987). Human Health Effects Assays. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 59:6, 601-614.
- Dupont, R.R, (1987). Measurement of volatile hazardous organic emissions from land treatment facilities. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 37:2, 168-176.
- Harris, G.D, Adams, V.D, Sorenson, D.L, Dupont, R.R, (1987). The influence of photoreactivation and water quality on ultraviolet disinfection of secondary municipal wastewater. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation , 29:8, 781-787.
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Dupont, R.R, (1986). Human Health Effects Assays. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 58:6, 703-717.
- Dupont, R.R, (1986). Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation . Environmental Progress , 5:3, 197-206.
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Dupont, R.R, (1985). Human health effects assays. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation , 57:6, 728-742.
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Dupont, R.R, (1984). Human Health Effects Assays. Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 56:6, 791-800.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Dupont, R.R, Sorensen, D.L, Kemblowski, M., Bertleson, M., McGinnis, D., Kamil, I., Ma, Y., (1998). Monitoring and assessment of in situ biocontainment of petroleum contaminated ground-water plumes, EPA/600/R-98/020. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development
- Dupont, R.R, (1997). Intrinsic remediation engineering evaluation/cost analysis for Site 13/26, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Brooks Air Force Base
- Johnson, R.L, Dupont, R.R, Graves, D.A, (1996). Assessing UST corrective action technologies - diagnostic evaluation of in situ SVE-based system performance, EPA/600/R-96/041. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Lab
- Dupont, R.R, (1996). Intrinsic remediation engineering evaluation/cost analysis for Site 45/57, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, Brooks Air Force Base
- Sims, J.L, Sims, R.C, Dupont, R.R, Matthews, J.E, Russell, H.H, (1993). In situ bioremediation of contaminated unsaturated subsurface soils, EPA/540/S-93/501. Engineering Issue, U.S. EPA, ORD, Superfund Technology Support Center for Ground Water, RSKERL
- Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, (1990). Field sampling/training activities at a wood preserving waste land treatment facility, Wiggins, Mississippi. U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development, RSKERL
- Dupont, R.R, (1990). Quantitation and modeling of volatile hazardous constituent emissions from a hazardous waste land treatment facility, Cooperative Agreement CR-813211-01. U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development, RSKERL
- Sims, R.C, Doucette, W.J, McLean, J.E, Grenney, W.J, Dupont, R.R, (1988). Project Summary: Treatment potential for 56 EPA listed hazardous chemicals in soil, EPA/600/S6-88/001. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, RSKERL
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Hansen, S., Doucette, W.J, McLean, J., Grenney, W.J, Dupont, R.R, (1988). Soil Transport and Fate (STF) Database and User's Manual, Partial Fulfillment of Cooperative Agreement CR-813211. Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. EPA
- Sims, R.C, Doucette, W.J, McLean, J.E, Grenney, W.J, Dupont, R.R, (1988). Treatment potential for 56 EPA listed hazardous chemicals in soil, EPA/600/6-88/001. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, RSKERL
- Dupont, R.R, (1986). A flux chamber/solid sorbent sampling system for volatile organic air emission monitoring from hazardous waste land treatment systems: field results; Proceedings of the 1986 EPA/APCA Symposium on Measurement of Toxic Air Pollutants . Proceedings of the 1986 EPA/APCA Symposium on Measurement of Toxic Air Pollutants
- Dupont, R.R, Reineman, J.A, (1986). Evaluation of the volatilization of hazardous constituents at hazardous waste land treatment sites, EPA/600/2-86/071. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, RSKERL
- Dupont, R.R, Reineman, J.A, (1986). Project Summary: Evaluation of the volatilization of hazardous constituents at hazardous waste land treatment sites, EPA/600/S2-86/071. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, RSKERL
- Sims, R.C, Sims, J.L, Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, McLean, J.E, (1986). Waste-Soil Treatability Studies for Four Complex Industrial Wastes: Methodology and Results, EPA-600/6-86-003a,b. R.S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, U.S. EPA
- Sims, R.C, Sorensen, D.L, Sims, J.L, McLean, J.E, Mahmood, R., Dupont, R.R, (1985). Project Summary: Review of In-Place Treatment Techniques for Contaminated Surface Soils. Volumes 1 and 2, EPA-540/S2-84-3A&B. USEPA, Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory
- Sims, R.C, Sorensen, D.L, Sims, J.L, McLean, J.E, Mahmood, R., Dupont, R.R, (1985). Review of In-Place Treatment Techniques for Contaminated Surface Soils, Volumes 1 and 2, EPA-540/2-84-3A&B. USEPA, Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory
- Sims, R.C, Sorensen, D.L, Sims, J.L, McLean, J.E, Mahmood, R.H, Dupont, R.R, (1984). Review of In-Place Treatment Techniques for Contaminated Surface Soils, EPA-540/2-84-003. U.S. EPA
Other Reports
- Stoudt, A., McLean, J.E, Hortin, J., Dupont, R.R, Goodridge, W.H, (2019). Pollution Prevention and Water Reuse at Utah Department of Transportation Facilities, Prepared for UDOT, a joint venture. UWRL *
- Bellon, W., McLean, J.E, Goodridge, W.H, Gelles, L., Dupont, R.R, (2018). UDOT Maintenance Site Detention and Retention Pond Water Report, Prepared for UDOT, a joint venture. UWRL *
- Dupont, R.R, (2004). Microcosm Study to Evaluate OU2 Source Zone Polishing: TCE & MIBK Transformation. URS Corporation
- Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, Sorensen, D.L, Michelson, H., (2003). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Carbon Donor and Microbial Inocula Amendment to Stimulate TCE Dechlorination at OU5, Hill AFB. Hill AFB Environmental Directorate
- Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, (1990). Field volatilization emission measurements in support of a land treatment verification study, Koch Refining Company. Barr Engineering
- Summit, G.D, Dupont, R.R, Parker, R.D, Deer, H.M, (1990). Measurement and modeling of the movement and persistence of tebuthiuron (Spike®) in soil environments. Western Region Pesticide Impact Assessment Program, Cooperative Extension, U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Dupont, R.R, Doucette, W.J, Gan, D.R, Doherty, J.D, (1989). Evaluation and modeling of volatile organic vapor transport in the unsaturated zone for groundwater quality protection. U.S. Geological Survey
- Moore, W.M, Dupont, R.R, McLean, J.E, (1989). Soil phase photodegradation of toxic organics at contaminated disposal sites for soil renovation and groundwater quality protection. U.S. Geological Survey
- Dupont, R.R, (1988). Field evaluation of digester mixing efficiency at the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Plant, West Boise, Idaho. Eimco Process Equipment Company
- Dupont, R.R, Sims, R.C, Doucette, W.J, McLean, J.E, (1987). Koch Refinery/Barr Engineering land treatment demonstration project: final report. Barr Engineering
- Dupont, R.R, (1987). evaluation of digester mixing efficiency at the Lower Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Eimco Process Equipment Company
- Dupont, R.R, (1987). Field Lagoon drainage system simulation in STELLA. CV Cheese
- Dupont, R.R, (1985). Evaluation of the growth of duckweed (Lemma minor) in the Tri-Miller wastewater lagoons for use as a wastewater treatment medium. Tri-Miller, Inc.
- Dupont, R.R, (1985). Field monitoring design and sampling protocol for field scale validation of the Thibodeaux-Hwang Air Emission Release Rate Model. U.S. EPA
- Dupont, R.R, (1984). Dairy lagoon design calculations for the USU Caine dairy facility. Bixton and Christopher, Architects
- Dupont, R.R, (1984). Evaluation of the hydraulic performance of a wastewater pipeline at the Cache Valley Cheese, Amalga Plant. Cache Valley Cheese
- Dupont, R.R, Eisenberg, T., Middlebrooks, E.J, (1982). Reverse osmosis in the treatment of drinking water, UWRL/Q-82/05. UT Water Research Laboratory
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Dupont, R.R, (1982). Fixed-film anaerobic digestion. Kansas University *
- Dupont, R.R, (1977). Data evaluation of a municipal RBC installation, Kirksville, Missouri. Environmental Health Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kansas
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.