Randy Martin's Ozone Study Featured on KSL News
Ground-level ozone is common pollutant in the air along the Wasatch Front in both summer and winter, and it can be damaging to both human health and plant ecosystems. One challenge to improving these pollution levels is the fact that ozone is not emitted but created through chemical ractions in the air. The EPA has set lower limits on allowable ozone levels, and the air along the Wasatch Front will likely exceed those limits many times in the months to come. UWRL faculty member Dr. Randy Martin is one of several researchers from three Utah universities and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality who are working together to collect data that could shed light on why these high levels occur by monitoring the movement of ozone concentrations, with a particular focus on the Great Salt Lake.
Dr. Martin was recently featured in a KSL news story that explains more about this important research.
View the KSL news video here.