The Logan River Observatory conducts a variety of research at the Utah Water Research Lab.
Publications & Presentations
+= Post-Doctoral Researcher, ++ = Graduate Student, +++ = Undergraduate Student
Annual Reports
5. Neilson, B.T., Strong, P., and Horsburgh, J.S. (2024). Logan River Observatory Annual Report. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. | PDF
4. Neilson, B.T., Strong, P., and Horsburgh, J.S. (2023). Logan River Observatory Annual Report. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. | PDF
3. Neilson, B.T., Strong, P., and Horsburgh, J.S. (2022). Logan River Observatory Annual Report. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. | PDF
2. Neilson, B.T., Strong, P., and Horsburgh, J.S. (2021). State of the Logan River Watershed. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. | PDF
1. Neilson, B.T., Strong, P., and Horsburgh, J.S. (2020). State of the Logan River Watershed. Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA. | PDF
Journal Publications
24. Goodrum ++, G.C., C.P. Hawkins, T.E. Walsworth, S.E. Null. To be submitted. Predicting road-crossing passability for river connectivity analysis. Ecological Applications.
23. Konrad ++, H., Wheaton, J., Roper, B., Bailey, P., Macfarlane, W.W, Neilson, B.T, Tennant, C.J, (2024). Estimating Increased Transient Water Storage with Increases in Beaver Dam Activity. Water MDPI, 16:11, doi:
22. Thurber ++, D., Lane, B., Xu, T., Neilson, B.T, (2024). Dissolving the mystery of subsurface controls on snowmelt–discharge dynamics in karst mountain watersheds using hydrologic timeseries. Hydrological Processes, 38:5, doi:
21. Goodrum ++, G.C. and Null, S.E., 2023. Reduced complexity models for regional aquatic habitat suitability assessment. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 59(1), pp.107-126.
20. Tyson ++, C., Longyang ++, Q., Neilson, B.T, Zeng, R., Xu, T., (2023). Effects of Meteorological Forcing Uncertainty on High-Resolution Snow Modeling and Streamflow Prediction in a Mountainous Karst Watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 619:129304, doi:
19. Murray ++, D., Neilson, B.T, Brahney, J., (2023). Beaver Pond Geomorphology Influences Pond Nitrogen Retention and Denitrification. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128:4
18. Leach, J.A, Kelleher, C., Kurylyk, B.L, Moore, R.D, Neilson, B.T, (2023). A primer on stream temperature processes. WIRES Water. 1643, doi:
17. Pennock ++, C.A., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy (2023). Density-dependent processes and population dynamics of native sculpin in a mountain river, Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 32, 593–605.
16. Jones++, A. S., T.L. Jones, J.S. Horsburgh (2022). Toward automating post processing of aquatic sensor data, Environmental Modelling & Software, 151(105364),
15. Xu, T., Q. Longyang++, C. Tyson, R. Zeng++, B.T. Neilson. (2022). Hybrid Physically Based and Deep Learning Modeling of a Snow Dominated, Mountainous, Karst Watershed. Water Resources Research. 58(e2021WR030993).
14. Lukens++, E., B.T. Neilson, K.H. Williams, J. Brahney (2022). Evaluation of hydrograph separation techniques with uncertain end-member composition, Hydrological Processes, 36(9), e14693.
13. Phillips, C., C. Mastellar, L. Slater, K. Dunne, S Francalanci, S. Lanzoni, D. Merritts, E. Lajeunesse, D.J. Jerolmack (2022). How the threshold for sediment entrainment constrains the size and shape of alluvial rivers, Nature Reviews Earth and Environment.
12. Alger, S. M., B. Lane, B.T. Neilson. (2021). Combined influences of irrigation diversions and associated subsurface return flows on river temperature in a semi-arid region. Hydrologic Processes. 35(8), e14283.
11. Neilson, B. T., H. Tennant, P.A. Strong, J.S. Horsburgh. (2021). Detailed streamflow data for understanding hydrologic responses in the Logan River Observatory. Hydrologic Processes. 35(8), e14268.
10. Tennant++, H., B.T. Neilson, M.P. Miller, T. Xu. (2021). Ungaged inflow and loss patterns in urban and agricultural sub-reaches of the Logan River Observatory. Hydrological Processes. 35 (e14097).
9. Murray, D.++, B.T. Neilson, J. Brahney. (2021). Source or Sink? Quantifying beaver pond influence on non-point source pollutant transport in the Intermountain West. Journal of Environmental Management.285, 112127.
8. Buahin+ C.A., J.S. Horsburgh, B.T. Neilson. (2019). Parallel multi-objective calibration of a component-based river temperature model. Environmental Modelling & Software. 116, 57-71.
7. Buahin++, C. A., J.S. Horsburgh. (2018). Advancing the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) for integrated water resources modeling, Environmental Modelling & Software, 108, 133-153. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.07.015.
6. Jones, A. S., J.S. Horsburgh, D.P. Eiriksson. (2018). Assessing subjectivity in environmental sensor data post processing via a controlled experiment. Ecological Informatics, 46, 86-96. doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2018.05.001
5. Neilson, B.T., H. Tennant++, T.L. Stout++, Miller, M., Gabor+, R.S., Y. Jameel++, M. Millington++, A. Gelderloos++, G.J. Bowen, P.D. Brooks. (2018). Stream‐centric methods for determining groundwater contributions in karst mountain watersheds. Water Resources Research. 54.
4. Jones, A., Z. T. Aanderud, J.S. Horsburgh, D. Eiriksson, D. Dastrup, C. Cox, S.B. Jones, D.R. Bowling, J. Carlisle, G.T. Carling, M.A. Baker. (2017). Designing and Implementing a Network for Sensing Water Quality and Hydrology Across Mountain to Urban Transitions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1-26, doi:10.1111/1752-1688.12557.
3. Melcher++, A. A., J.S. Horsburgh. (2017). An urban observatory for quantifying phosphorus and suspended solids loads in combined natural and stormwater conveyances. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 189: 285, doi:10.1007/s10661-017-5974-7.
2. Mihalevich++, B. A., J.S. Horsburgh, A.A. Melcher++. (2017). High frequency measurements reveal spatial and temporal patterns of dissolved organic matter in an urban water conveyance. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 189:593, doi:10.1007/s10661-017-6310-y.
1. Jones, A. S., J.S. Horsburgh, S.L. Reeder, M. Ramirez+++, J. Caraballo+++. (2015). A data management and publication workflow for a large-scale, heterogeneous sensor network. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187:348, doi:10.1007/s10661-015-4594-3.
71. Goodrum, G. & S.E. Null (2023). Optimizing water management for water supply and fish habitat in the Bear River Basin. Presented at the American Water Resources Association 2023 Summer Conference. Denver, Colorado. July 17, 2023.
70. Young S. and Goharian, E. (2024) Hydrologic Monitoring using Cameras: Key Takeaways from Initial Deployments, Water Observing Technology Forum, Alabama Water Institute, Tuscaloosa, AL, April 23, 2024
69. Young, S., Goharian, E., Horsburgh, J. S., Bin Issa++, R., Khan++, S., Neupane++, S., Erfani++, M., Mehdi Hatami++, G. (2024). Advancing camera-based monitoring for operational water resource applications, American Society of Civil Engineers World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, 19-22 May.
68. Dority++, B., Horsburgh, J. S. (2024). Designing and developing low-cost snow sensing stations, Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT, 26-27 March.
67. Bin Issa++, R., Khan++, S., Neupane++, S., Horsburgh, J. S., Goharian, E., Young, S. (2024). Advancing camera-based monitoring for hydrologic applications, Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT, 26-27 March.
66. Tennant++, H., B.T. Neilson, T. Xu, S. Choi, D. Hill++, D. Newell, J. McNamara, N. Ashmead++, J. Evans. 2023. Effects of Karst Geology on Streamflow in Western Snowmelt Driven Watersheds. 2024 USU Spring Runoff and Northern Utah Water Users Conference. March 26-27, 2024. Logan, UT.
65. Hill, D., B.T. Neilson, H. Tennant++, D. Newell, S. Choi++, T. Xu, J. McNamara, N. Ashmead. 2023. Quantifying the Role of Karst Groundwater on Mountain River Discharge During Extreme Low Flow Years 2024 USU Spring Runoff and Northern Utah Water Users Conference. March 26-27, 2024. Logan, UT.
64. Kostynick++, R., C. Masteller, and C. B. Phillips (2023), Do differences in bankfull width reflect catchment-scale variability in erosion thresholds?, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023. December 11-15, 2023. San Francisco, CA.
63. Xu, T., S. Choi++, Q. Longyang++, B.T. Neilson, H. Tennant++, D. Hill++, N. Ashmead++, J. McNamara, D. Newell. 2023. Multi-scale rainfall-runoff modeling of a snow dominated mountainous karst watershed using attention-based deep learning. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023. December 11-15, 2023. San Francisco, CA.
62. Ashmead++, N., J. McNamara, B.T. Neilson, M.D. Schmitz, D, N, Schwartz, T. Xu, D. Newell, D. Hill++, H. Tennant++, S. Choi++. 2023. Radiogenic isotope and ionic concentration ratios reveal hydrologic mixing, subsurface residence time, and cross-basin transfer in a snow-fed mountain karst watershed. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023. December 11-15, 2023. San Francisco, CA.
61. Tennant++, H., B.T. Neilson, T. Xu, S. Choi, D. Hill++, D. Newell, J. McNamara, N. Ashmead++, J. Evans. 2023. Effects of Karst Geology on Streamflow in Western Snowmelt Driven Watersheds. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023. December 11-15, 2023. San Francisco, CA.
60. Hill, D. ++, B.T. Neilson, H. Tennant++, D. Newell, S. Choi++, T. Xu, J. McNamara, N. Ashmead++. 2023. Quantifying the Role of Karst Groundwater on Mountain River Discharge During Extreme Low Flow Years. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023. December 11-15, 2023. San Francisco, CA.
59. Thiede, G.P., J. Brahney, S. Buhler, L. Aragon, E. Robinson, and P. Budy. 2023. Tires in trout: microplastic uptake by aquatic stream organisms. Oral presentation at Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream-dwelling Salmonids Symposium VI. 8 – 12 May 2023. Mallorca, Spain.
58. Neilson, B.T., S.A. Null, J.S. Horsburgh, M. Yost, B. Barker, Division of Water Rights. 2023. Future Water Distribution Efforts in the Great Salt Lake Basin. 2023 American Water Resources Association Utah Section 50th Annual Conference - Saving Water: A Matter of Money and Data. May 25, 2023. Salt Lake City, UT.
57. Johnson, A. +++, B.T. Neilson. Compounding Human and Drought Impacts Negatively Affect Rivers. 2023 USU Research Week Student Research Symposium. April 11-12, 2023. Logan, UT.
56. Lasswell, F.M. ++, A. Johnson+++, B.T. Neilson. 2023. Lateral Flow Connections Between Irrigation Distribution Systems and Rivers. 2023 USU College of Engineering Research Week Poster Session. April 4, 2023. Logan, UT.
55. Hill, D. ++, B.T. Neilson, H. Tennant++, N. Ashmead++, D. Newell, T. Xu, J. McNamara. 2023. Quantifying Groundwater Exchange Throughout the Upper Logan River Watershed. 2023 USU Research Week Student Research Symposium. April 11-12, 2023. Logan, UT.
54. Neilson, B.T., F.M. Lasswell++. 2023. Does Canal Efficiency Always Improve Water Availability? 2023 Utah Water Users Workshop. March 20-22, 2023. St. George, UT.
53. Strong, P., H. Tennant++, J. S. Horsburgh, B.T. Neilson. The Logan River Observatory: A Lab In Our Own Backyard. 2023 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 14-15, 2023. Logan, UT.
52. Lasswell, F.M. ++, A. Johnson+++, B.T. Neilson. 2023. Lateral Flow Connections Between Irrigation Distribution Systems and Rivers. 2023 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 14-15, 2023. Logan, UT.
51. Hill, D. ++, B.T. Neilson, H. Tennant++, N. Ashmead++, D. Newell, T. Xu, J. McNamara. 2023. Quantifying Groundwater Exchange Throughout the Upper Logan River Watershed. 2023 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 14-15, 2023. Logan, UT.
50. Neilson, B.T., H. Tennant++, D. Hill++, D. Newell, P. Strong, C. Cowburn***, A. Englund+++, A. Johnson+++, P. Shuai, J. Othman++, J. McNamara, N. Ashmead++, T. Xu, S. Choi++, P. Brooks. 2023. Hydrochemical Tracer Sampling in Logan River to Inform Future Water Availability. 2023 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 14-15, 2023. Logan, UT.
49. Thiede, G.P., C.A. Pennock, and P. Budy. 2023. Density-dependent processes and population dynamics of native sculpin in a mountain river. Oral presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 27 Feb – 1 March 2023. St. George, Utah.
48. Gustavos++, M., B.T. Neilson, P. Strong, J. Brahney (2022). Assessing microplastic sources and characteristics from mountain streams to urban rivers, 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM), May 14-20, 2022, Grand Rapids, MI.
47. Thurber, D. and B. Lane (2022). Streamflow response to snowmelt in a karst mountain system, AGU Hydrology Days, Colorado State University, April 27, 2022, Fort Collins, CO.
46. Phillips, C. B., J. Blaylock, J. Woodhouse, G. Benitez, R. Kostynick, and C. Masteller (2022). An exploration of variability in bankfull river width, 2022 Fall Meeting, AGU.
45. Kostynick, R., C. Masteller, G. Benitez, and C. B. Phillips (2022). Quantifying Downstream Variability in Bankfull Width from Digital Elevation Models, 2022 Fall Meeting, AGU.
44. Masteller, C., R. Kostynick, G. Benitez, and C. B. Phillips (2022). Wiggles in width: Insights into alluvial channel dynamics from variability in high-resolution downstream hydraulic geometry. GSA Connects, GSA
43. Jones (2021). PyHydroQC: A Python Package for Automating and Streamlining Aquatic Sensor Data Post Processing. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. December 13-17, 2021. New Orleans, LA.
42. Benitez++, G., C. Masteller, and C. B. Phillips. (2021). Defining the Reach Scale of a Mountain River from High-resolution Hydraulic Geometry, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. December 13-17, 2021. New Orleans, LA.
41. Jones++, A. S., T.L. Jones, J.S. Horsburgh. (2021). Techniques for increased automation of aquatic sensor data post processing in Python. 12th National Monitoring Conference, National Water Quality Monitoring Council. April 19-23, 2021. Virtual.
40. Liljestrand++, D., C. Oroza, B.T. Neilson, P. Strong, E. Cotter. (2021). Leveraging LIDAR, Machine Learning, and Citizen-Science for Low-Cost, High-Resolution Snow-Depth Estimation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. December 13-17, 2021. New Orleans, LA.
39. Xu, T., Q. Longyang++, B.T. Neilson, R. Zeng. (2021). Inferring spatiotemporal precipitation-discharge patterns of a snow dominated mountainous karst watershed using a hybrid physically based and deep learning modeling approach. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021. December 13-17, 2021. New Orleans, LA.
38. Neilson, B.T., J.S. Horsburgh, P.A. Strong, H. Tennant, A.S. Jones. (2021). Logan River Observatory: karst mountainous pristine to valley human impacted. Spring 2021. Research and Observatory Catchments: The Legacy and the Future Seminar Series. (
37. Alger, S.M.++, B. Lane, B.T. Neilson. (2020). Lateral return flows control summer stream temperature patterns in irrigation-depleted streams. American Fisheries Society Utah Chapter Meeting. St. George, UT. February 27, 2020.
36. Tennant, H.++, B.T. Neilson, M.P, Miller, T. Xu, P.D. Brooks. (2019). Using Naturally Occurring Tracers to Quantify Components of Urban and Agricultural Streamflow. 2019 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 9-13, 2019. Abstract H23D-02. San Francisco, CA.
35. Alger++, M., B. Lane, B.T. Neilson. (2019). Controls on Summer Stream Temperature Patterns in Irrigation-Depleted Streams. 2019 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 9-13, 2019. Abstract H23K-2049. San Francisco, CA.
34. Xu, T., Q. Longyang, C. Tyson++, R. Zeng, B.T. Neilson, D.G. Tarboton. (2019). Hybrid physically-based and deep learning modeling of a snow dominated mountainous karst watershed. 2019 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 9-13, 2019. Abstract H32D-02. San Francisco, CA.
33. Longyang, Q., C. Tyson++, T. Xu, R. Zeng, B.T. Neilson. (2019). Effects of Climate Forcing Uncertainty on Snow Modeling and Streamflow Prediction in a Mountainous Karst Watershed. 2019 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 9-13, 2019. Abstract H33I-2033. San Francisco, CA.
32. Murray++, D., B.T. Neilson, J. Brahney, N. Bouwes. (2019). Can Beavers Mitigate Non-Point Source Pollution?. American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Conference 2019. September 27-October 4, 2019. Reno, NV.
31. Alger++, M., B. Lane, B.T. Neilson. (2019). Characterizing streamflow and temperature patterns on the Blacksmith Fork River to prevent summer dewatering. 2019 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference. June 11-13, 2019. Snowbird, Utah.
30. Murray++, D., B.T. Neilson, J. Brahney. (2019). Can beavers mitigate non-point source pollution? 2019 Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) Annual Meeting. May 19-23, 2019. Salt Lake City, Utah.
29. Capito++, L., B.T. Neilson, J. Brahney. (2019). Environmental controls on didymo bloom formation. 2019 Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) Annual Meeting. May 19-23, 2019. Salt Lake City, Utah.
28. Strong, P., H. Tennant++, J.S. Horsburgh, B.T. Neilson. (2019). The Logan River Observatory: A lab in our own backyard. 2019 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 26, 2019. Logan, UT.
27. Alger++, M., B. Lane, B.T. Neilson. (2019). Characterizing streamflow and temperature patterns on the Blacksmith Fork River to prevent summer dewatering. 2019 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 26, 2019. Logan, UT.
26. Capito++, L., B.T. Neilson, J. Brahney. (2019). Environmental controls on didymo bloom formation. 2019 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 26, 2019. Logan, UT.
25. Neilson, B.T., H. Tennant+++, T.L. Stout++, Miller, M., Gabor+, R.S., Y. Jameel++, M. Millington**, A. Gelderloos++, G.J. Bowen, P.D. Brooks. (2018). Stream‐centric methods for determining groundwater contributions in karst mountain watersheds. 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 10-14, 2018. Abstract H33E-04. Washington, D.C.
24. Horsburgh, J.S., M.A. Baker, B.T. Neilson, P. Strong, A.S. Jones. (2018). Logan River Observatory: Extending iUTAH’s GAMUT network for long-term monitoring to inform local policy and water management. 2018 USU Spring Runoff Conference. March 27, 2018. Logan, UT.
23. Tennant+++, H., B.T. Neilson, M.L. Barnes++, T.L. Stout++, M. Miller, R. Gabor+, M. Millington++, Y. Jameel++, A. Gelderloos++, G. Bowen, P. Brooks. (2018). Combined Approaches for Estimating Groundwater Exchanges in Karst Watersheds. April 2018. 2018 USU Student Research Symposium. Logan, UT.
22. Jones, A. S. and J. S. Horsburgh. (2018). The iUTAH Experience: Cyberinfrastructure and Data Management for a Large, Interdisciplinary Water Project. Universities Council for Water Resources (UCOWR) Annual Meeting, June 26-28, 2018. Pittsburgh, PA.
21. Jones, A. S., J.S. Horsburgh, Z. A. Aanderud, M.A. Baker, D. Eiriksson. (2018). A Monitoring Network for Sensing Water Quality and Hydrology Across Mountain to Urban Transitions. Universities Council for Water Resources (UCOWR) Annual Meeting, June 26-28, 2018. Pittsburgh, PA.
20. Buahin+, C. A., J.S. Horsburgh., B.T. Neilson. (2018). Enabling High-Performance Heterogeneous Computing for Component-Based Integrated Water Modeling Frameworks. 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Modelling for Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Systems, Fort Collins, CO.
19. Horsburgh, J. S., A.A. Melcher++, B. A. Mihalevich**. (2017). Stormwater Monitoring and Pollutant Load Estimation in Combined Agricultural and Urban Water Systems (Invited), Presented at: Rural Water Technology Conference, United States Bureau of Reclamation, March 8-9, 2017. Provo, UT.
18. Mihalevich++, B., J.S. Horsburgh. (2017). Resolving Spatial and Temporal Variability in Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics within Combined Agricultural and Stormwater Conveyances.” Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference. March 28-29, 2017. Logan, UT.
17. Horsburgh, J. S. (2017). Cyberinfrastructure for Water Data: Perspectives from iUTAH’s Data-Intensive Water Research. (Invited) 45th Annual Utah Section Water Resources Conference, Data for Water Management, May 16, 2017. American Water Resources Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
16. Aanderud, Z. T., A. S. Jones, J.S. Horsburgh, D. Eiriksson, D. Dastrup, C. Cox, S.B. Jones, D. Bowling, J. Carlisle, G. Carling, M.A. Baker. (2017). Transcending system boundaries through integrative ecohydrologic research. 11th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium, November 11-12, 2017. Salt Lake City, UT.
15. Eiriksson, D., A.S. Jones, J.S. Horsburgh, C. Cox, D. Dastrup. (2017). Data Quality Control: Challenges, Methods, and Solutions from an Eco-Hydrologic Instrumentation Network. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2017. New Orleans, LA.
14. Jones, A.S., J.S. Horsburgh, D. Eiriksson, D. (2017). Assessing Subjectivity in Sensor Data Post Processing via a Controlled Experiment. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2017. New Orleans, LA.
13. Tennant+++, H., B.T. Neilson, M.L. Barnes++, T.L. Stout++, M. Miller, R. Gabor+, M. Millington++, Y. Jameel++, A. Gelderloos++, G. Bowen, P. Brooks. (2017). Combined Approaches for Estimating Groundwater Exchanges in Karst Watersheds. May 2017. American Water Resources Spring Specialty Conference 2017. Alta, UT.
12. Jones, A. S., J.S. Horsburgh, S. Reeder, J. Caraballo***, D. Smith***, M. Matos***, M. (2016). Streaming Sensor Data: Tools for Acquisition, Management, and Visualization. 10th National Water Quality Monitoring Conference. May 2-6, 2016. Tampa, FL.
11. Jones, A. S., J.S. Horsburgh. (2016). Water Quality Surrogates: Development of Surrogate Relationships, Review of Recent Advances, and Applications. National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop. August 23-25, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
10. Melcher++, A. A., J.S. Horsburgh, B.A. Mihalevich+++. (2016). Continuous Surrogate Monitoring for Pollutant Load Estimation in Urban Water Systems. National Nonpoint Monitoring Workshop, August 23-25, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
9. Melcher++, A. A., J.S. Horsburgh, B.A. Mihalevich++, P. Suiter***. (2016). Continuous Surrogate Monitoring for Pollutant Load Estimation in Urban Water Systems. Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference, April 5-6, 2016. Logan, UT.
8. Mihalevich++, B. A., J.S. Horsburgh, A.A. Melcher++. (2016). Spatial and Temporal Variability of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Stormwater Conveyance. Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference, April 5-6, 2016. Logan, UT.
7. Suiter+++, P. J., A. S. Jones, J.S. Horsburgh, B.A. Mihalevich++, A.A. Melcher++. (2016). Development of a Mobile Water Quality Monitoring Platform. Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference, April 5-6, 2016. Logan, UT.
6. Neilson, B.T. (2016). Understanding Groundwater Influences in Streams and Rivers. Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Geology, Utah State University. October, 2016. Logan, UT. (INVITED)
5. Tennant+++, H. and B.T. Neilson. (2016). Groundwater Influences on Logan River Watershed, USU Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium, December 2016. Logan, UT.
4. Barnes, M.L. ++, T. Stout**, H. Tennant+++, B.T. Neilson. (2015). Groundwater – Surface Water Interactions in Three Utah Watersheds. April, 2015. Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference 2015. Logan, UT.
3. Tennant+++, H, M.L. Barnes++, T. Stout++, B.T. Neilson. (2015) Methods and Techniques for Measuring Discharge in Three Utah Watersheds. iUTAH Summer Symposium, July 2015. Midway, UT.
2. Horsburgh, J. S., A. S. Jones, S. Reeder. 2014. Automating data management and sharing within a large-scale, heterogeneous sensor network. (Invited). 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, 2014. San Diego, CA.
1. Horsburgh, J. S., A.S. Jones, S. Reeder, J. Patton+++, J. Caraballo+++, M. Ramirez***, N. Mouzon+++. (2013). Using CUAHSI HIS to support large scale collaborative research in Utah. (Invited) CUAHSI HIS Cyberseminar, May 1, 2013.
Other Publications
15. Anderegg, W., Buttars, C., Ferry, J., Gochnour, N., Shelley, K., Steed, B., Tarboton, D., Ahmadi, L., Albers, E., Bingham, B., Brooks, P., Endter-Wada, J., Hasenyager, C., Lin, J., McEntire, A., Neilson, B. T., Null, S., Perry, K., Stireman, B., Strong, C., Vernon, L., Welch, K., & Yost, M (2023). Great Salt Lake Policy Assessment.
14. Kesler, Taylor (2023). Comparing 1D, 2D, and 3D Hydraulic Models in Urban Flooding Applications. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, 8691,
13. Thurber, Daniel Meade (2022). Characterizing Karst Mountain Watersheds Through Streamflow Response to Snowmelt. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, 8673,
12. Shaver, Ryan (2022). Long Short-Term Memory for Karst Watershed Modeling: Case Study of Logan River Canyon, UT, USA. Honors Thesis, Barrett, the Honors College, Arizona State University.
11. Benitez, Gabriel (2023). Exploring variations in high-resolution downstream hydraulic geometry of the Logan River. Masters Thesis, Utah State University.
10. Brophy, Dane P. (2021). Testing Methods of Surficial Sinkhole Identification Using Remotely Sensed Data. (2021). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports. 1526.
9. Tennant, H. (2021). Ungaged inflow and loss patterns in urban and agricultural sub-reaches of the Logan River Observatory. M.S. Thesis. Utah State University. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 8057.
8. Tyson, Conor. (2021). Effects of Climate Forcing Uncertainty on High-Resolution Snow Modeling and Streamflow Prediction in a Mountainous Karst Watershed. M.S. Thesis. Utah State University. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 8041.
7. Alger, Sara Madison. (2021). Summer Stream Temperature Patterns and Controls in an Irrigation Depleted Western Stream. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 8029.
6. Murray, Desneiges. (2021). The fate and cycling of nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace heavy metals in beaver-altered headwater streams. M.S. Thesis. Utah State University. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 8035.
5. Capito, Lindsay. (2020). Environmental Controls on Didymosphenia geminata Bloom Formation. M.S. Thesis. Utah State University. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 7941.
4. Ogata, Elizabeth M. (2020). Anthropogenic Influences on Bacterial Assemblages in Stream Biofilms. Ph.D. Dissertation. Utah State University. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 7889.
3. Melcher, Anthony A. (2019). Estimating Suspended Solids and Phosphorus Loading in Urban Stormwater Systems Using High-Frequency, Continuous Data. Ph.D. Dissertation. Utah State University.All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 7455.
2. Tennnant, H. (2018). Combined Approaches for Quantifying Groundwater-surface water Exchanges in Karst Watersheds. Honors Thesis. Utah State University. Logan, UT.
1. Mihalevich, Bryce A. (2017). Resolving Spatial and Temporal Variability in Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics within Combined Agricultural and Stormwater Conveyances. M.S. Thesis. Utah State University. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 6264.