Logan River Task Force
In 2014 a group of Utah State University professors, state, and local government officials, and interest group representatives organized the Logan River Task Force to encourage restoration and long-term conservation of the Logan River.
Organizations Represented:
- Logan City
- Logan River Observatory
- Cache County
- Utah State University
- Utah Division of Water Quality
- Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Utah Association of Conservation Districts
- PacifiCorp
- Cache Anglers
- Trout Unlimited
- Bridgerland Audubon Society
- The Nature Conservancy
- Cache Water District
Conservation Action Plan (CAP)
The Task Force and Logan City with the help of BIO-WEST, Inc. developed a long-term Conservation Action Plan (CAP) for the Logan River. The Task Force partners have implemented several restoration projects based on the CAP. These projects would not have been possible without funding from the Utah Division of Water Quality, The City of Logan, NRCS, and EPA; without the cooperation of private landowners and public land managers; or without the generous efforts of hundreds of volunteers.
Future Meetings
The Task Force meets quarterly to foster further restoration projects and provide guidance and advice on ecological viable, socially beneficial restoration of the Logan River and its tributaries. For more information, contact Frank Howe, frankhowe@utah.gov.
Logan River Restoration
Logan River Restoration is concerned with improving ecological and social indicators for the Logan River from First Dam to Cutler Reservoir. A video and a story map have been developed describing some of the projects.
Conservation Action Plan
The Logan River Conservation Action Plan (CAP) is a strategy for improving the quality of the Logan River in Cache Valley. It was developed by the Logan River Task Force with public input. The vision of the CAP is to: “Make the Logan River system a showcase of ecologically viable, socially beneficial river restoration.”
The CAP is a dynamic plan that can be updated as improvements are made and when new issues or opportunities arise.

The Conservation Action Plan relies on monitoring changes over time in the physical, chemical, biological, and social indicators of river health.
A Logan River CAP Monitoring Protocol has been developed to help monitor these changes. The purpose of the plan is to describe data-gathering protocols being used for monitoring changes to CAP indicators. It also describes data dependencies, such as reliable water quality data from the Logan River Observatory.

Planting Guide
The Logan River Task Force and USU Forestry Extension developed information on how property owners adjacent to the river can improve riparian health, and the look of their property, by planting native vegetation.
Planting Guide
Recreation Improvement
Through restoration projects:
Isolated trail segments have been connected and additional trails have been created.
Fishing access and fish habitat have been improved.
Access and opportunities for floating and paddling have been created and improved.
Logan River Blue Trail Master Plan:
The Task Force, Logan City, and Cache County have developed a plan to enhance recreation opportunities on the Logan River. According to American Rivers, "a Blue Trail is a river adopted by communities that are dedicated to improving family friendly recreation such as fishing, boating, hiking, and wildlife watching, and conserving the river and surrounding lands."
The goals of the Logan River Blue Trail Master Plan are to: Improve and develop river access points and improve recreational access to the Logan River, Create and maintain safe passage on the river, Promote the Logan River Blue Trail as a community-wide amenity, and Foster volunteerism and stewardship of the river as a recreational asset to the community. The plan identifies existing conditions on the river and proposes several ADA-compatible access sites from 1st Dam to Cutler Reservoir as well as a kayak play park.

Outdoor Classroom
The Logan River provides an excellent opportunity for outdoor learning; over 800 students in more than 20 USU classes have learned on the Logan River.
For more information, contact Frank Howe, frankhowe@utah.gov.

The Logan River is fast becoming a community amenity. It’s a great place to recreate or just relax and listen to the river’s music. Community leaders, volunteers, and involved citizens have come together to make the Logan River a better place for those who live in and visit the Cache Valley.