Sites and Infrastructure

Data Collection Along the Logan River

Researchers at USU have developed and deployed an ecohydrologic observatory in the Logan River Watershed to study water as it transitions from high elevation snow accumulation and melt, through the mountainous and forested areas of the watershed, and down to the urban population center of Cache Valley. The LRO network of monitoring sites measures aspects of climate, hydrology, and water quality along this mountain-to-urban gradient using state-of-the-art sensors at aquatic and terrestrial sites for real-time monitoring of common meteorological variables, snow accumulation and melt, soil moisture, surface water flow, and surface water quality.

Climate Sensor

Climate Sensor

Aquatic Sensor Equipment

Aquatic Sensor

Monitoring Site Locations

Click on site makers on the map below for information including pictures, variables measured, and a link to site data.


Green Pin

Continuously Updated

Storm Drain


Continuously Updated


Blue Pin

Continuously Updated


Dark Blue Pin

Periodically Updated


Red Pin

Continously Updated


Yellow Pin

Continously Updated