Aerial view of the Utah Water Research Laboratory
Welcome & About

Welcome to the UWRL! We're so excited to have you join us.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the administrative team if you need anything to make your work and experience at the lab better.

UWRL Leadership & Administration

David Tarboton
David Tarboton
UWRL Director

Steve Barfuss
Steve Barfuss
Associate Director

Jeff Horsburgh
Jeff Horsburgh
Associate Director

Lacy Susman
Lacy Susman
Building Manager

Carri Richards
Carri Richards
Publications Manager

Cathi Allen
Cathi Allen
Business Manager SR

Mission & Vision

The Utah Water Research Laboratory conducts collaborative water and environmental research in Utah and throughout the world to advance innovative solutions, promote scientifically informed policy and management decisions, and train tomorrow’s leaders.

We envision a sustainable water and environmental future for Utah and the world.

As we seek solutions to the complex water and environmental challenges facing Utah, the western US, and the world, we:

  • Value truth, transparency, and collaboration.
  • Encourage and engage in reproducible, trustworthy, and beneficial research.
  • Prioritize people by supporting growth and professional development.
  • Cultivate a safe and efficient workplace built on belonging, trust, and mutual respect.

College of Engineering at Utah State University

The UWRL works closely with the College of Engineering and the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at USU. 

College of Engineering